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What is the difference between inventory value and retail value, and how are they calculated?

By February 16, 2023No Comments


What is the difference between inventory value and retail value, and how are they calculated?


Inventory value refers to the cost of the products a business holds in its inventory at a given time, while retail value refers to the price at which those products are sold to customers.

For example, let’s say a business has 100 units of a product in its inventory, and each unit costs $10. The inventory value of that product would be $1,000 (100 units x $10/unit). If the business then sells all 100 units of the product for $20 per unit, the retail value would be $2,000 (100 units x $20/unit).

Calculating inventory value and retail value is essential for businesses because it allows them to track the profitability of their inventory. By comparing the two values, businesses can see how much profit they make on their inventory and adjust their pricing or inventory levels as needed to maximize their profits.

Steve Ngo

Author Steve Ngo

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