Integrated Sales and Inventory Management for BowWow Pet Tags

BowWow Pet Tags operates through two distinct Shopify stores serving customers in the United Kingdom (UK) and Australia (AU). The company specializes in custom pet tags and accessories, catering to a growing market of pet owners who value personalized and high-quality products. As BowWow Pet Tags expands, it faces the challenge of managing sales and inventory across both regions efficiently.

Use Cases
Integrated Sales and Inventory Management for BowWow Pet Tags

BowWow Pet Tags operates through two distinct Shopify stores serving customers in the United Kingdom (UK) and Australia (AU). The company specializes in custom pet tags and accessories, catering to a growing market of pet owners who value personalized and high-quality products. As BowWow Pet Tags expands, it faces the challenge of managing sales and inventory across both regions efficiently.


The primary objectives of this case study are to:

  1. Integrate sales and inventory data from the UK and AU stores into a unified dashboard.
  2. Streamline the inventory replenishment process using consolidated data.
  3. Track inventory quantities and values monthly for financial reporting purposes.


  1. Data Integration: Both stores operate independently, leading to fragmented data that complicates overall business insights.
  2. Inventory Management: Ensuring optimal stock levels across both regions without overstocking or stockouts.
  3. Financial Reporting: Accurate and timely inventory valuation for financial reports.

Solution Overview

To address these challenges, BowWow Pet Tags implemented a comprehensive solution involving the integration of sales and inventory data from both Shopify stores into a centralized dashboard, leveraging automation for inventory replenishment, and setting up regular financial reporting processes.

  • Data Sync & conbination to one dashboard: Assity pull data from both stores through Shopify APIs, and then combine the sales and inventory data to the master store.
  • Automated Replenishment: Set up automated alerts and reorder points based on historical sales data and current stock levels to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.
  • Monthly Inventory Tracking: Established a monthly inventory review process to track inventory quantities and values. This involved regular exports of inventory data from the unified dashboard.


  • Enhanced Visibility: The unified dashboard provided comprehensive visibility into sales and inventory across both regions, enabling better decision-making.
  • Improved Efficiency: Automated inventory replenishment reduced manual intervention, resulting in more efficient inventory management and reduced stockouts.
  • Accurate Financial Reporting: Regular and accurate tracking of inventory quantities and values improved the reliability of financial reports, aiding in better financial planning and analysis.


By integrating sales and inventory data from their UK and AU stores, BowWow Pet Tags successfully streamlined their inventory management and financial reporting processes. This holistic approach not only improved operational efficiency but also provided critical insights for strategic decision-making, positioning the company for continued growth and success.


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