Data and Analytics Fundamentals

Compressing Parquet Files: A Basic Guide

By February 13, 2023No Comments

Introduction: Parquet is a popular file format for data warehousing and big data processing due to its columnar storage and efficient compression techniques. This blog post will provide an essential guide on how to compress Parquet files to reduce storage costs and improve query performance.

Compression Overview: Parquet files can be compressed using several techniques, including Snappy, Gzip, and LZO. The choice of compression technique depends on the desired balance between compression ratio and compression/decompression speed. Snappy is generally faster than Gzip, but Gzip provides better compression ratios. LZO is a good choice for intermediate compression and decompression speed.

Compressing Parquet Files: To compress a Parquet file, you must specify the compression codec when writing the file. For example, in Apache Spark, you can use the following code to write a Parquet file using Snappy compression:

df.write.parquet("file.parquet", compression="snappy")

Steps to compress a Parquet file:

  • Identify the columns in the Parquet file that take up the most space and prioritize them for compression.
  • Choose a compression algorithm that is suitable for your data. Popular algorithms for compressing Parquet files include Snappy, Gzip, and LZO.
  • Compress the selected columns using the chosen compression algorithm. Several libraries available in different programming languages can be used for this, such as Apache Arrow and Apache Thrift.
  • Test the compressed Parquet file to ensure that it meets the desired size and performance requirements.
  • Repeat steps 1 to 4 for any remaining columns that you would like to compress.

You can change the compression codec to “gzip” or “lzo” as needed.

Conclusion: In this blog post, we have provided an essential guide for compressing Parquet files. You can reduce storage costs and improve query performance by compressing Parquet files. Choosing the correct compression codec depends on your needs for compression ratio and compression/decompression speed.

Steve Ngo

Author Steve Ngo

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