FAQs & Troubleshooting

Can your service help with finding out the number of days each product variant was out of stock in a certain period of time?

By February 10, 2023No Comments


Can your service help determine the number of days each product variant was out of stock in a certain period?


Yes, our service can help determine the number of days each of the Product Variants was equal to 0 for a certain period, such as the last six months. Our out-of-stock days count report can help you to determine this information. You can access this report through the following URL: Out-of-stock Days

The formula for calculating the out-of-stock day’s count report would likely involve the following steps:

  1. Determine the date range for the report (e.g., the last six months)
  2. For each product variant, retrieve the inventory levels for each day within the date range
  3. For each day where the inventory level is equal to 0, add 1 to a counter for that product variant
  4. Repeat the process for each product variant
  5. Display the results, showing the number of days each product variant was out of stock

It’s important to note that the accuracy of the report would depend on the accuracy of the inventory data and any inventory adjustments that may have been made during the date range. Unfortunately, our app cannot access the inventory history before the installation date. This means the report may not be entirely accurate for that time period. Still, we can guarantee the accuracy of the data collected and reported after installing the app.

Steve Ngo

Author Steve Ngo

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